Laugh Pocket Coin/Token


Copper. Hand-stamped.

You can spend your whole life being the one with “that laugh”: that distinctive laugh everyone easily recognizes as yours; and, when people comment on it, you try to stop laughing because you’re suddenly self-conscious of it. You can spend your whole life erupting into fits of giggles so easy it’s like breathing - especially when you talk to people you love a whole damn lot because life sure feels a helluva lot sweeter with them and all that happy just comes bubbling out with your incessant giggles. So, this is for you. It’s okay to laugh. You keep your distinctive laugh, and you let those giggles bubble up out of your chest. Don’t try to contain them, because someday someone will steal them from you and you’ll need them more than ever. So laugh. Laugh until your belly aches and tears pool in the corners of your eyes. Laugh until your face is red from the need to breathe. Laugh, and laugh, and laugh. You deserve it. We all do.


Pocket coins. Because sometimes the smallest gifts have the biggest meaning. They are small, inconspicuous, ubiquitous. Whether they’re tucked away in a purse, wallet, pocket, or even sitting in a treasured dish on your dresser, their sentiment or snark are bound to make you smile. For as simple as they are, I absolutely love making these. For the tactile among us, sliding the pad of your thumb over them is comforting. For the sentimental fools of the world (like me), sliding the pad of your thumb over them is just another reminder of love. All the love.

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