Translated from Latin, “Dura Mater” means “tough mother” or “strong mother”. In the medical world, the Dura Mater is the protective membrane that surrounds the brain.
I’m nothing special. I’m just a fat kid from PA whose heart is bigger than her butt, who loves to make jewelry. I’m pretty plain, just like the pebbles I love to carve and set.
But, I am tough; and so are you. And together? We are fucking formidable. And THAT’S the message I want you to carry every day. THAT’S what I want you to remember.
You. Are. Tough.
You. Are. Loved.
You. Are. Worthy.
If there is one thing I can leave behind long after I die, let it be pieces of my home set in metal, and big chunks of love, passed down for generations.
That’s my goal. That’s my mission. And I’d love for you to join me.
Dura Mater.
For the Tough Mother in all of us.
Thank you.